MF-Pay Attention

“For this reason, we must pay attention all the more to what we have heard, so that we will not drift away. For if the message spoken through angels was legally binding and every transgression and disobedience received a just punishment how will we escape if we neglect such a great salvation? This salvation had its beginning when it was spoken of by the Lord, and it was confirmed to us by those who heard him. At the same time, God also testified by signs and wonders, various miracles, and distributing gifts from the Holy Spirit according to his will” (CSB).

Drift happens over time. It happens slowly and subtly. Before the Captain and Navigator of a sailing ship knows it they can be way off course due to neglect, distractions or having faulty instruments. This error can be costly and endanger their crew, passengers and cargo. They could also damage or lose their ship by running it aground and lose their careers.

The writer to the Jewish followers of Christ in Hebrews chapters one and two explains that Jesus is not an angel or some other created being. Jesus is God and God’s Message. He uses various Old Testament quotations to show that the Promised One cannot be an angel, but is in fact Divine and identical to God Himself. The audience of this letter are disciples of Jesus Christ with a Jewish background. This is the reason for emphasizing Old Testament concepts and passages. This also helps us understand the context of the various warnings given in Hebrews which become stronger as the letter progresses.

Hebrews 2:1-4 offers the first of several warnings given in this letter. This caution is mild, but includes an implicit criticism: these Jewish believers in Christ are not being careful in their study of the Scriptures. The original Greek of verse one uses the term “perissoteros” to describe how the readers are to approach the Scriptures and their faith. This word means “much more, more abundantly, or especially”. The readers must be committed to studying, learning and living the Word of God.

The purpose of this warning is obvious. Since there are false teachers and false gospels surrounding them   and us, it is vitally important for followers of Christ to know the *actual content* of our Faith, so we will not be seduced by counterfeit versions of the biblical Gospel and by other false doctrines. Since Jesus Christ is God’s Message to mankind, ignoring Him will bring disastrous shipwreck. The writer of Hebrews points out that those who violated the Old Covenant suffered punishment. Therefore, those who violate the New Covenant can also expect dire consequences due to their neglect. The Gospel according to the Scriptures has been confirmed by witnesses and miracles and needs to be given closer attention by the readers of this letter. Whether by accident, drift or intention, breaking God’s laws always ends in disaster.

Here are some thoughts for our application as pastors, leaders and teachers of local churches, Bible school and seminary teachers and professors and students, missionaries and other Christian workers.

1. One does not need to angrily despise, willingly resist or strongly oppose God and His great salvation in order to be dead in sin and eternally condemned. One can be dead and condemned simply by *neglecting* the truth of God’s Word. Perhaps most of those in the great crowd of people walking on the broad road to destruction (Matthew 7:13) are neglectful of God’s great salvation.

2. These early Jewish disciples of Jesus were in danger of drifting away from following Him. They had heard the words of the Gospel but the words did not sink in. People raised today in Christian families and Bible-believing churches risk the same danger. They hear the Bible taught over and over and more or less agree with its teaching, but mental assent to Christ’s lordship is insufficient to be one of His disciples. If we are a pastor or a leader of a church, a Sunday school, Bible school or seminary teacher or professor, a small group leader or a pioneering missionary we cannot assume that people who comply and conform to our ministry are committed to Christ. We need to get to know each person we shepherd and minister to and challenge each one with the truth of the God’s Word and the requirements of being a disciple of Christ. We must not surrender anyone to a casual belief.

3. Paying careful attention is hard work for all of us. It requires focusing our minds, bodies and senses. Following Christ means not only reading our Bible, praying, reading good books, attending church and listening to sermons and teachings or helping a ministry. It means obeying Him (James 1:22-25). We must carefully pay attention and obey Christ’s instructions, any time, any where, at any cost and to do any thing.