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Our Lord told the man whose son was daily tormented by a demon, “All things are possible for one who believes” (Mk 9:23). What this means is that if you believe God and take Him at His Word, you can indeed glorify Him in every circumstance, and find your supreme satisfaction in Him.

The Christian life is all about growing in our trust in God and what He has said. The article Faith in Action explains this truth through the life of Moses’ parents. Discouragements: Causes and Remedy deals specifically with how one ought to trust God when our spirits are laid low by some trial or affliction.
God asserts, “Those who hopefully wait for Me will not be put to shame” (Isa 49:23). It is always heart-warming for Fishers to re-tell the stories of God’s amazing grace in the lives of those who believe in Him. Christ Lives in Me is by a pastor who was raised by godly Christian parents, whereas Rejected by Man, Accepted by God is by a retired full-time servant of the Lord who had been abandoned by her birth parents – two very different stories, but both about one very trustworthy God.

God is faithful, and He deserves our trust. If you do not know and trust the Lord Jesus with your life, Whoever Believes in Jesus has Eternal Life is where you should begin reading this issue of Fishers. It presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ, by which sinners may be saved from the awful judgment of God. If you already believe in Jesus, Commission, Compassion, Compulsion will remind you of your responsibility to tell others about Him.

May you be blessed by the reading of this magazine. - The Editor


The FISHERS is Christian magazine distributed by The ‘Fisherman of Christ’ Fellowship Ltd, Singapore. It is free of charge and anyone can request printed copies of their current and past issues through their website.

With their permission, A4C Philippines is posting their current issue. You can access digital copies of their past issues here.