The imperative in the great commission according to Matthew 28:16-20 is to make
disciples or call people to commit to Jesus Christ as Master and Lord. Making
disciples was the central focus of Jesus’ commission to His disciples then, and
it is to us today. As the resurrected Lord, Jesus calls upon His followers to
make disciples of all people groups on the earth. This is done by going with
the gospel of the kingdom and preaching it among unreached people, baptizing
Christ-followers in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, which
identifies them with the church, and teaching them all that Jesus commanded us
to obey. Teaching is the emphasize of Matthew because it is the method by which
Jesus’ followers are transformed to be more like Christ. In His risen state,
Jesus exercises total and absolute authority throughout heaven and earth, and
He promises to be with His followers as we obey Him. We are not on a fool’s
errand. People may think those who obey Jesus by going with the gospel to the
nations are foolish, but we are not. We “get it” because we have been captured
by God’s love. He has poured His love for all people into our hearts and we
cannot stay back. By God’s calling upon us, we are sent by His people, who also
“get it.”
Why do I briefly go through Matthew’s version of the great commission? Because
we, the church, can become overfamiliar with this text and be complacent about
our lives in Christ and ho-hum with our ministries. We can become overly
focused on ourselves inside our church, home or support group, Sunday school
class or worship service, which are all necessary means of God’s grace, and
lose concern about those who are perishing outside the church. We must keep the
“go” in the gospel by making disciples among all people groups whether they are
across our street or around the world. Leaders lead others from the front. They
lead the way forward by both word and deed. Is there an unreached people group
that the Spirit has imprinted in you? Perhaps it’s not an unreached people
group but a group of people who are hard to reach with the gospel like street
kids and their families. Maybe you are not called to go, not everyone is, but
you can help send those who are by praying for them and giving to their
support. Maybe you are stirred to be an advocate for an unreached or
hard-to-reach people group. Do it now. The perishing need you. We, the
harvesters, also need you.
Today I read 2 Peter 3:9 “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but all should reach repentance.”
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