“My brothers and sisters, if one of you should wander from the truth
and someone should bring that person back, remember this:
Whoever turns a sinner from the error of their way
will save them from death and cover over
a multitude of sins.” – James 5:19-20
Clearly James is writing about a believer in Christ who has wandered from the truth, or Jesus Christ. This person has fallen into sin and is no longer living consistent with his or her beliefs. Christians disagree over whether or not it is possible for people to lose their salvation, but all of us agree that those who have wandered away from Christ, the truth and the church are in serious trouble and need to repent of their sins and return to Jesus. James urges loving Christians to help wanderers return to Jesus and live again according to the truth. By praying for, and lovingly talking with the wanderer, while meeting him or her where he or she is at in life, we may bring this person back to their merciful and gracious Savior.
1. I am asking myself why people wander away from Jesus, the truth and the church. I think we all know someone, or many people, in this condition. Here are some possible reasons for wandering:
a. dreadful fear of what others think or say or of persecution
b. weary of suffering for their faith
c. deep ongoing pain of disappointment
d. severe separation from family and friends because of faith in Christ
e. death of loved ones or friends
f. ongoing illness
g. the reality of following Christ overwhelms our unmet exceptions of trusting Him
h. trapped in sin/s
The reality is difficulty, suffering, trials, tests and disappointment is part of a Christian’s life. Let us not sugarcoat this.
2. As followers of Christ and members of a local church we need to be ready to pursue the wanderer.
God asked Cain this ancient but up-to-date question, after he killed his brother Abel, “Where is your brother Abel?” “I don’t know,” he replied. “Am I my brother’s keeper?” (Genesis 4:9).
The answer then and now is; “Yes”, in the local body of Christ we are acceptable for and to each other.
3. We need to be mindful that we/I could stray away from the truth. We/I need to heed daily these three admonitions:
a. be humble
b. stay close to Jesus
c. stay in God’s Word
4. When we talk with someone who has wandered from Jesus and the truth we need to be sure to tell them that God will receive them back if they repent and return to Jesus and the truth. This is the parable of the lost son in Luke 11-31.
The book of James is my favorite book of the Bible because he emphasizes faith put into action. Right living is the evidence of and fruit of faith. The local church needs to serve with compassion, speak lovingly and truthfully, live in joyful obedience to God’s Word, and love one another. The local expression of Christ’s body ought to be like heaven on earth as we draw people to Christ through love for God and each other. If we truly believe God’s Word we will desire, by His grace, to live by it each day. God’s Word is not just something we read, think about or confess but something we do. Our belief, faith and trust must be put into action by our hands and feet. Let us be faithful shepherds of our flocks by our teaching of God’s Word, caring for our members and pursuing those who are wandering.
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