Living as a Disciple of Jesus Christ: Freedom and Discipline

The definition of the word disciple in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is “one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines (teaching, instruction, system of beliefs) of another.” In Matthew 16:24-27 Jesus lays out what He requires of *anyone* who wants to be a disciple of His. They apply then and now.

Recently I gave a message from 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 at a church in Silang, Cavite Philippines. I called it “Practicing what we Preach.” In chapters eight and nine the Apostle Paul tells the Corinthian believers that he has freedom in Christ within the bounds of Scripture. He also says his goal as a disciple of Christ called by Him to proclaim the Gospel to Gentiles is to glorify God and lead people to faith in Christ. Therefore he strictly disciplined himself so he could, by God’s grace, fulfill his calling and goals. He stayed away from endless philosophical debate and material entanglements which could sideline him. For Paul, and those of us called to preach the Gospel, both freedom and discipline are important as we follow Jesus.

Paul illustrates the life of a disciple by using running and boxing. The life of a runner and boxer requires self-denial and lots of strict training when no one is cheering them on to victory. As followers of Jesus and proclaimers of the Good News the essentials are reading, mediating upon and studying our Bible, prayer, worship and fellowship with like-minded believers in Christ. Much of this is when we are alone with God. These basics equip us to run and box, or live and minister, with vigor and stamina. We need to train diligently because our lives in Christ and ministries depend on it. All4Christ’s motto is “The Life of the Minister is the Life of the Ministry.” This is true because we cannot separate our personal lives from our calling and ministries. We serve Christ and others in order to win an “imperishable” wreath. Paul’s concern which should be ours’ also is not to be “disqualified” as a minister. This does not mean he or we would lose our salvation if we were disqualified but that we would lose the blessing of sharing the Gospel and being a ministry leader. Paul says in verse 27 “I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.” Ouch!

There are many books and speakers teaching the “selfs” like; fulfillment, awareness, satisfaction and esteem but few teach self-disciple. Brothers and sisters in Christ and ministry colleagues we must practice what we preach. I am not promoting legalism or perfectionism but integrity. By God’s grace, day in and day out, we must practice what we preach. This requires honesty as we look at our strengths and weaknesses. We must learn to say “no” when strong temptations are screaming at us and “yes” to the Lord Jesus Christ. We need a friend to whom we can be accountable. Self-disciple is a long steady walk as we develop character qualities that do not come naturally. By the grace of God we can imitate Paul as he did Christ. (1 Corinthians 11:1)

Jeff Anderson