“Shanah Tovah” ( Happy New Year! )

What a blessing to begin this year with a hopeful anticipation that “God makes everything beautiful in His own time”. What even a greater blessing to know that God brings us to a new reality of grace and experience. We experience God through the Holy Spirit as we keep in step with God’s word.
The question for this month is how do we keep in step with God’s word and Spirit as we live the Christian life.
Here’s a short reminder from Philippians 2:13. Paul sets out Christ as the perfect paragon in chapter 2. He is the believer’s richness in terms of wisdom, sacrifice, and what is ideal. This was the heart and mind of the Greek perspective and yet Christ came as the personification of these things.
Since Christ is the perfect model then we are to reflect Him in all areas of life, especially when we “do” the Christian life. The point is, we can know God works in us when we “do” the Christian life, when we light this world by our good deeds, when we are happy doing things for Kingdom’s sake and when we offer our lives just as Jesus offered himself on the cross. Paul took it as a delight to suffer, to be offered as a sweet smelling savor to God in behalf of the Philippians ( v. 17 ). In this way we can know we keep in step with the Word and Spirit of God. We’re responsible and God is overall. Fellow pastors, servants, and followers of Christ, let us keep in step!

Rev. Leonardo F. Galanza, Jr